Hostel vs. 4 Stars!

Singapore brings along a swell of emotions.
  • Our tour through South East Asia finishes here.
  • I am packing up in 2 days and moving to some strange land of chopsticks and will be the most 'settled' I have ever been, & having a job longer then I've ever been in one before.
  • This whole 'teaching' thing is actually happening, not something so far in future that it's pointless to think about anymore.
  • Oh, yea I've also lasted a year in my first grown up relationship!

We've got lots to CELEBRATE!

We literally went from RAGS to RICHES in less then 24 hours. Our first night we slept in (dun, dun, dun) Room 40. Room 40 also housed 2 Indian Men, 1 weirdo from Seattle who seemed to hate everyone, 1 Asian guy who only stared and never spoke, & then there was the Welsh guy who's been following me all summer, and I, the lone woman. Rhys slept closer to 4 strange men then to me, our bunks were on seperate areas of the room and he had the mute Asian guys feet lined up near his face. hahaha. I didn't have feet to worry about but I did have a giant snoring man. I was seriously thinking of smothering my pillow in his face, damn snorers shouldn't be allowed in dorm sleeping. There really needs to be a test or something before your granted a room key!

Our last night in Singapore Rhys rose to the occasion. Planner man came through with a bang! Somehow he managed to sneak online and get reservations in the middle of downtown Singapore at some fancy pansy hotel. Executive Floor (don't know what it means, but I like the sound of it!), 21st floor, amazing view, huge window, robes, plasma screen, huge bathroom, fridge full of goodies, so many different lights/light settings/remotes... it was awesome.

We pulled up in a taxi and the bellhop looked at us, looked at our dirty feet, stained clothes, and huge packs. He snidely asked, "Furama?" We said "Yes, yes, yes!" And even more puzzled he corrected himself and said, "Furama? Furama City Center?" Ok, so maybe we looked a little out-of-place.


Nonetheless, the hotel was  perfect. Last night backpacking. Night before arrival in Korea. First Anniversary. Singapore.

Sounds like a cheesy travel commercial!?!
